WordPress POST wp-admin admin-ajax issue

Cover Post Admin-Ajax Issue

If you are looking at how to solve the wp-admin ajax issue with your WordPress, you may try the method below.

I was facing this issue for my client’s website server. After the server maintenance, this issue came out, and I could not figure out how the problem happened.

Issue in console

POST https://yourwebsitedomain.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE

My client’s server configuration

  • Server admin: CWP7
  • Server: Apache
  • Language: PHP
  • CMS: WordPress

The issues for my client’s WordPress website

  • unable to update the WooCommerce products with variation due to this Ajax issue
  • unable to update custom product fields with large variations
  • unable to upload an image through the media library

I tried the below methods

  1. disabled all plugins and leave WooCommerce only → doesn’t work
  2. installed plugins like heartbeat monitor, health check → doesn’t work
  3. restarted my Apache server → doesn’t work
  4. rebooted the whole server → doesn’t work
  5. contacted server support → doesn’t work
  6. checked my server disk space → not an issue
  7. checked mod-security → didn’t enable this before, so not an issue
  8. increased memory to 1024M and execution time to 60 seconds → doesn’t work
  9. re-installed the whole WordPress files → doesn’t work

I also made sure that

  • website address and website URL matched
  • SSL is enabled without mixed content
  • The latest WordPress version is installed
  • all plugins are updated to their latest version
  • the theme is updated to its latest version
  • folder permission sets at 755, file permission sets at 644
  • all WordPress files existed
  • the server has enough memory and disk space

You may try the above methods if you ever face this issue. It may work for you.

My final solution

After spending 4 hours solving this issue, I wanted to give up.

But I did one final thing, I went to upgrade and rebuild the apache server. It works!

I upgraded from a lower version to a higher version – Apache 2.4.39 & suPHP 0.7.2.

So, if you are facing a similar issue, you may try this for your Apache server.