
Cover Post Admin-Ajax Issue

WordPress POST wp-admin admin-ajax issue

If you are looking at how to solve the wp-admin ajax issue with your WordPress, you may try the method below. I was facing this issue for my client’s website server. After

How to redirect Elementor form to user input URL

How to redirect Elementor form to user input URL

If you are looking for a way to edit your Elementor form to redirect your users to a certain URL input by them, you can try the below method. URL examplehttps://yourwebsite.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fyouruserwebsite.com For

Setting up WordPress multisite on Bitnami AWS

WordPress multisite allows us to set up a website with the same theme file with different domains or folder structure. For instance: subfolder: yugenelee.com/sg and yugenelee.com/my subdomain: sg.yugenelee.com and my.yugenelee.com For more